Home > The divergence of the green laser pointer receiver

The divergence of the green laser pointer receiver

January 10th, 2012 at 03:35 am

The divergence of the green laser pointer receiver
So light perception to light a great influence on the conductivity of the conductor.
Graphic information on green laser pointer  printers, dot matrix is formed by the. The higher the print quality requirements, form a lattice has more character. Laser scanning There are four ways to form the lattice. Single-line scanning: the line of dot matrix characters in each line of information, sent to the scanner to scan, called single scan. Compared with the ordinary receiver of green laser pointer, the receiver of integrated USB drive has three more chips.Multi-line order deflection scanning: high-frequency signal generator in turn produces nine different frequencies, according to the Bragg diffraction theory, they will produce a deflection modulator 9 different scanning line deflection angle, then a small rotation angle of the rotating mirror, scan from left to right lattice information. Since this method only the rotating mirror turned at a slight angle, which is equivalent to single-scan method of 1 / 132, to form a word, it is also known as small raster scan. While multi-line deflection scanning: refers to the high-frequency drive circuit while producing nine different frequencies, sent through the post-synthesis deflection modulator. Multi-line deflection while multiple scans: This method simultaneously with multi-line deflection scanning of the same class, but from a somewhat different character formation.The divergence of the three chips in 50mW blue violet laser pointer is relatively large. That is high in the scan dot matrix characters, a complete character is divided into multiple scan completed. Graphical information matrix lattice formation and the formation of similar character. Laser printer drum drum working principle and structure of the core parts of laser printer. It is a photosensitive device, the main light guide material. Its basic principle is the "photoelectric conversion" process. It is consumed in the 200mW green Laser Pointer printer as the material used, and its price is relatively expensive. Photosensitive semiconductor semiconductor commonality, such as heat excitation, changes in conductivity after doping. The internal temperature of green laser pointer could reaches to 60℃.In addition, it also has other semiconductors do not have the "light conductive" properties. Photosensitive semiconductor by light irradiation, its conductivity can be increased by several orders of magnitude. From the band perspective, it's price band in the electronic absorption of light energy, the leap into the conduction band, creating electron - hole pairs. This light generated by the electron - hole pairs, known as "photo-carrier." Photosensitive semiconductor generated within the "light-carrier" increase, its conductivity will increase. After irradiation by the light of this improved conductivity is called "intrinsic optical conductivity." Practical applications, photosensitive doped semiconductor material and subject to the use of lasers made of semiconductor materials. So in addition to the intrinsic optical conductivity, but also must have a light impurity levels excited electrons or holes formed on the optical conductivity of the nature of impurities. In some photosensitive semiconductors, "the optical conductivity impurities" play a major role. However, it is still within the scope of design and it wouldn’t affect the use of 100mW green laser pointer. Photosensitive semiconductor by light irradiation, the object will be different degrees of change within the "carrier mobility" (carrier mobility is the migration rate and the ratio of the external electric field). Mark objects conductivity "conductance", equal to the carrier density multiplied by the migration rate. Migration rate, increased conductivity, electrical conductivity by the intrinsic optical conductivity, optical conductivity and impurity mobility values joint decision, but under certain conditions, some of which will be the main factors to nothing. Practical application of various light conductors are not the same degree of sensitivity to light. Light conductor and its conductivity is proportional to the sensitivity of the light.
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